Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today we were called by our wonderful family coordinator Melissa to tell us they received our PA, which is pre-approval. This means the CCAA has reviewed our nurture and rehabilitation plan along with some other documents from our agency and they have moved us to the next step. We now are waiting for our RA which is our referral acceptance. We were told this can vary greatly from 1-6 months, with the average time 2-3 months.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More info on Katie

Today our agency sent our LOI(letter of intent) to the CCAA electronically. So now we wait again. In adoption there are alot things, alot of paperwork,alot of waiting,alot of emotions, but most importantly alot of faith in God.

Ok, I know, you're waiting for more info on Katie. I am still limited, but can share some more things about her. She is 7 months old, well almost 8 months. She has an unrepaired cl/cp. She looks alot like Brooke in her referral pictures. She is absolutely gorgeous. We cannot wait to bring her home.

Yesterday Brooke had an appt. with the ENT. Afterwards we went to Target to look at baby things, because of course we have none. We had asked for 0-4, trusting the Lord would match us with the perfect daughter for our family. Had Katie been older, she and Brooke would have gotten bunk beds. We were waiting to buy these until we knew how old Katie was. So now we are needing everything for our new baby. Brooke had so much fun looking at all of the baby things. She picked out a couple of things for her. She is a very proud sister.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I cannot even believe I can type that word, referral. I can't say alot, but I think I can tell you some. It is Sunday, July 13th. After church Jeff was sleeping, after working many hours this week. He had worked his 3rd 12 hour shift in a row. He taught sunday school this morning and was so tired after. We did not stay for church. We came home, had lunch and Jeff went to bed, for what we thought was a nice long sleep. I played scene it Nick with our 3 youngest. We had finished playing, not that long when the phone rang. The caller i.d. said America World. Now remember its Sunday. Our agency is a Christian agency and does not work Sundays. They don't work weekends, they are a business with business hours of Monday-Friday. I thought it was our PR director calling. Its not out of the ordinary for Mike to call. Steven Curtis Chapman is coming to our area this week and we had been emailing with Mike about a possible Shaohannahs hope booth. So when I saw America World I immeditely thought it was Mike telling us that yes, they are going to have a Shaohannahs hope booth, which by the way, they are not having at this concert. So I answer the phone thinking its Mike, but no, a female voice cheefully says hi Shannon, its Melissa from America World. At this point I am almost speechless, I'm wondering why is she calling me on Sunday? She quickly says that they are working today to check on the shared referrals and they had an exact match for us!! She then proceeds to tell me of the age and sn of our daughter!! I am in shock and holding back the tears. I cannot even believe what I am hearing. I said can you lock the file now? She tells me we must review the file first. So we excitedly wake up poor Jeff who has only been sleeping about 2 hours at this point. Needless to say he was in shock. He is going to be tired tonight. Who can sleep after hearing you have a new daughter?! We open the email and the most precious face was looking at us. We reviewed her file and called to tell her YES, please lock her file. Tomorrow we will be getting everything together to fax and or email to our agency. They then will do what they do and send our electonic acceptance to the CCAA. We then wait. We will probably first get PA (preapproval) and then wait for our RA(referral acceptance). This is telling us that yes indeed, the CCAA approves us for this adoption, and in turn we must tell them that yes indeed we want to adopt this child. This can take 2-3 months as we were originally logged in as special needs. We then wait for travel approval, which can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks. After travel approval our agency contacts the U. S. Consulate in Guangzhou to schedule our appt. This is the last leg of paperwork for us to do. This is when the will issue Katies passport to come home. So our travel depends on when we can get our appt. at the U.S. Consulate, which must wait on our PA and RA. Generally travel can be 2-6 weeks after TA. We of course know that these dates can fluctuate greatly.

At this time we cannot share any specifics on age, sn, name, or where she is. I can only tell you she is adorable and we can't wait to be with her. As soon as we get permission to share details, we will. Until that time we ask for your prayers. Not just for us while we're waiting, but for our dear Katie. Her entire life is going to change.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Today is the 4th of July. I am thankful everyday for the freedoms we are privileged to have. I remember July 4th 2001. The 6 of us were at a fireworks display. We had spent the late afternoon and early evening enjoying different activities at a very large metropark. At that time we did not know who Brooke was. We were at the same stage we are now waiting for Katie. Waiting to find out who she was. I often think that we take for granted our freedoms we have in the United States. As Jeff and I watched the fireworks that year we were moved to tears and so grateful to be Americans. We are so grateful to all of armed forces and their families. They sacrifice more then we could even begin to imagine. We are also thankful for our police officers and firefighters. These are positions that may not call for deployment to another country or state for long periods of time, however do call for sacrifice from their families and loved ones. They don't do this for the wonderful pay, haha. They do this to protect, honor and serve their country. Jeff has been with the police dept for 22 1/2 years. He has seen alot of things. People often ask me if I'm afraid for him. Afraid is not the right word. When we were dating he told me what he was going to be. I knew then and there I would have to leave him in Gods hands, and I have. Now our oldest son Josh will be starting his second year of college next month. He has recently been hired as a paid on call firefighter for our city. He will be starting fire 1, and will have his associates degree in fire science. He has responded to more calls then any other paid on call firefighter at his firestation. In his short time there, he has already seen so much. He is learning what it is to sacrifice, to serve your city and protect its residents. We are very proud of him. So the next time you see a soldier, give him/her a hug and thank them, thank their family for their sacrifice as well. When you see a firefighter, thank them. You have no idea what goes into their training, not just initially, but career long. For just getting to sleep after working for 10 hours, having been up for 20 hours , and then responding to another call. When you are pulled over by a police officer and given a ticket for speeding, running a yellow light, or not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, remember that this police officer has taken an oath to protect the laws and the people. If you weren't breaking the law to begin with you would not be receiving the ticket. Laws are made to protect people, not hurt them. So lets thank of all of our public service men and women, and their families. They sacrifice 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.