Friday, April 18, 2008

DTC !!!!!

Today 4-18-08 we are DTC, which means dossier to China. This is a huge milestone. The next step is waiting for our agency, AWAA to match us with our Katie. Our agency receives special needs referrals about every 2-3 months. When the referrals are received and the information is translated they begin the matching process with many factors involved. The single most important thing is when the families dossier was logged into the CCAA. Other factors include what special need(s) the child has and matching him/her with a family who has asked for that special need(s). This is a very big responsibility for our agency. They pray for each child and ask God for guidance in matching the family with their child. So now we wait for Gods perfect timing.


Rob and Candy said...

YAH! congrats on being DTC!
(awaa Associate)

Wife of the Pres. said...

HI Shannon, Saw your post on RQ about SN match. Listen, I just wanted to encourage you that I was feeling really down about the shared list until we were called about our daughter! Please feel free to PM if you want. I have shared a bit with another AWAA waiting Momma about how it worked for us. I think it eased her mind a bit. Just wanted to say hang in there.
Leslie (