Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last post from China, the good, the bad and the ugly

Its Thursday night November 20th in China. I titled this the good the bad and the ugly. Let me tell you some good. I've packed about everything, the girls have had their baths and are sleeping, and we are coming home tomorrow. Yesterday was Katies birthday and we had a little party with some families coming to our guide Amys room. My heart was so full of thankfulness to God for allowing us to be with her. For those who don't know this already we thought we would get a referral call for a 3-4 yo. Mostly because our agency had told us most families are asking 0-2 and we were asking up to age 5. So we were very surprised to find out at our referral call that our daughter was 7 months. That day I prayed and have prayed often that since we left our age open to the Lord to match us perfectly with the daughter He chose that He would allow us to be with her for her first birthday, and God answered that prayer. I am so thankful for that. Our God is an awesome God and wants to give us the desire of our hearts.

The bad & ugly seem to run neck and neck, so I guess I will put it all out there. Wednesday evening approx 7 pm Jeff starting getting sick. He was violently ill with vomiting and diarrhea all night and most of today. The antibiotic the Dr. gave us at home Jeff had an allergic reaction to, he was not allergic to this as of a couple of years ago though. We know he is dehydrated and we are doing what we know to do. He must be better for us to fly tomorrow. We are still planning on it, as if he continues and shows no improvement this could be very bad. If you are a praying person please pray for all of us, and especially Jeff to get better asap.

When we adopted Brooke her transition was fairly easy to us. She was pretty happy go lucky most of the time, well except for the flight home. She cried almost the whole time. Katie is not so happy go lucky. She doesn't like to be held, unless you are feeding her her bottle. She doesn't want to be carried, and much more prefers the stroller. She does make eye contact and touches our faces and laughs and smiles, but we know her transition to attachment to us is not as easy as Brookes was. Today when we were at the U.S. Consulate our guide was holding her while I did some paperwork. Katie was leaning to me reaching her arms and started to cry for me, that was a good sign. I brought a sling carrier with me, however that hasn't worked well at all. Alot of the time when I hold her she stiffens up, cries and kicks. We really need alot of prayer. She will not allow us to try and rock her to sleep, she will lay down and start to bang her head on the crib floor. We rub her head and whisper gently to her, "no no Katie." At this point she will stop, however we may go through this several times until she goes to sleep. We aren't rookie parents here, but I can tell you we are definitely on survival mode. I feel very sorry for the people on the plane, as when we are on the bus that is some of the worst times. She doesn't like the confinement, she wants to be free to move around and thats not possible. Katie also still will not eat any solid food, we are lucky to get a couple little spoons of baby food, and shes not too happy with that.

If you are wondering why I'm sharing these things with you, its not to whine and cry, but to share with those who haven't btdt that its not always easy, even for those who have done this before. Also to ask for your prayers. We know the power of prayer and so much need those now.

God willing we will fly tomorrow to Tokyo to Detroit. I will give a post when we have arrived home, after I spend some family time.

Love to you all,


Emily said...

saying prayers for you at this minute for a smooth ride home and Jeff's health. Love yoU!

Kristi said...

I'm praying too! We had some sick family members just before their flight home and I can imagine from their misery how awful Jeff must be feeling. Also know that our Kylie was the loud one on the bus, but she ended up sleeping for most of the 13 hour flight back to the states. I'm praying that Katie will do the same and that bonding will begin to make visible daily progress!
Kristi (AWAA DTC 355!)

Andrea said...

We feel for you guys. We were all sick in China but Steve was the worst and just before flying home. We will pray for an aisle seat for Jeff! Lydia cried the whole way home too. She was also inconsolable because of hunger and exhaustion. The good news is that we are now home and I'm already forgetting the planeride. We will be keeping you in prayer today as you travel. -Steve and Andrea

Petrie said...

We are lifting you all up as you fly the friendly skies! Hope Jeff is well soon and that the trip is more peaceful than you anticipate. We also had a difficult transition with our second child, and I can assure you that this, too, shall pass. God is faithful. Love, Petrie (AWAA assoc.)

strandfam said...

Shannon we have and will continue to pray for your family as you travel home. We will also pray for beautiful Katie as she continues to bond. We feel blessed to have met your family and share this time in China together.
with love, Sarah and family.

jennifer said...

Oh Praying for you! I appreciate your post-I pray you are on that plane. It is so hard to be on a plane and sick. James had a tantrum in the airport and on the plane. It was so hard, James is big and hard to even try to contain. I was tired and people looking at me like lady do something- there was nothing I could do but pray and try and keep him from hurting himself! Our Caroline had a migraine on the way to China and was sick back and forth to bathroom half the trip. I love your entry about putting God in control of what child He desires to give you. We put girl or boy and were thrilled, with three girls, to have the opportunity to experience a son and a brother. God is so good. I will be praying for the bonding-it does take time I can see as we take one day at a time. Love and Prayers- The Bullingtons

jennifer said...

Oh Praying for you! I appreciate your post-I pray you are on that plane. It is so hard to be on a plane and sick. James had a tantrum in the airport and on the plane. It was so hard, James is big and hard to even try to contain. I was tired and people looking at me like lady do something- there was nothing I could do but pray and try and keep him from hurting himself! Our Caroline had a migraine on the way to China and was sick back and forth to bathroom half the trip. I love your entry about putting God in control of what child He desires to give you. We put girl or boy and were thrilled, with three girls, to have the opportunity to experience a son and a brother. God is so good. I will be praying for the bonding-it does take time I can see as we take one day at a time. Love and Prayers- The Bullingtons

jennifer said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We were extremly blessed to have met you in GZ. You are a beautiful couple that expresses Christ's love to others.


Donna said...

Thanks for posting with such honesty. Praying for you a safe and peaceful trip home.