We received our update on Katie. I'm not too sure what to think to be honest. They say she is healthy, praise God for that!! However they also said she has never had the tainted formula, which of course would be great, but thats not what her referral papers say. They said she is drinking Nestle formula, which we know is a safe formula. She has no teeth yet and is starting to crawl. In her pictures she is sitting alone, but she does not look very stable, but she is sitting alone:)
This journey has been full of ups and downs. Sometimes we have seen things that don't make sense or are unfair. I have had the privilege to be on my knees for our brothers and sisters in Christ and their children. I have cried many tears for people I don't know, but only through our agency and our special need family list. I've witnessed a miracle through a little girl who was left to die in a dirty hospital half way around the world, and through the power of prayer she has come home, had extensive heart surgery and is doing exceedingly well. I've seen families paperwork for the approval process come quickly, while others wait and cry out to the Lord, why must they wait?
In a short time we will be in China, to bring home our baby that the Lord perfectly chose to be a Walker. We started this journey not sure of what age to ask for. We were feeling too old for a baby, and had questions about preschool age. We struggled alot with this, when one day Jeff said we need to ask 0-5 and leave it to the Lord. However old she is, God has full control. We truly expected to be called from our agency for a 4 year old, partly because our agency told us the wait would probably be shorter as we were open to an older age then most. Then one day we learned of a little girl age 7, only a few months older then Brooke. We reviewed a partial file and prayed and felt this may be our daughter. I was very excited at the thought of virtual twins, and of course in my head I was already making plans! When we received her complete file and had 2 Dr.'s review it we knew without any doubt we could not proceed with her adoption. We had great peace about this. Some months later we found out she is being adopted and am so greatful to hear that wonderful news. The day we received our phone call about our then 7 month old daughter was a day of many emotions. When I first saw her pictures I had many tears of joy flowing down my face. Of which I received many hugs from the kids as we sat around the computer. I was in shock, ok we both were at how young she was. A friend of mine said to me when I told her how old Katie was that God had a sense of humor. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was our child, picked by God as we surrended Him full control. All I could do was look around my house and see how unbabyproof it is. haha We travel next month and its still unbabyproof, but that will change, very soon!! When we found out about the tainted formula, I can't begin to describe how I felt. I was unable to work for 2 days, praying almost without ceasing for our baby to be ok. She appears to be ok, however will have some tests to go through after coming home to check her kidney levels and check for bladder & kidney stones.
For those who haven't personally gone through the adoption process you have no idea what we waiting parents go through. Adoption is an act of faith. When we found out how young our Katie was, one of my first prayers to God was, ok God, I was obediant in giving you full control over the age of her, now please God, let me be with her for her first birthday. God has answered my prayer. We may only be with her for 1 day before her birthday, but we WILL be with her. It has been so much fun baby shopping. Things have changed alot since 7 years ago. Its different when you are babyshower shopping and you're following someones registry, its almost like a mission. But here we are now babyshopping for us. I think I forgot how many things babies need. haha I have been having so much fun doing this.
Well, this post is probably far too long, but thats what happens when I post in the middle of the night:)